Lake Shore UMC will resume in-person services at 10:30am. With this in mind, things will look differently as you enter Lake Shore UMC on Sunday. We ask for everyone to park in the Main Parking lot by the Narthex doors and enter only through these doors. Masks, gloves and hand santizer will be available upon entry. If you have any questions, please contact the office @ 440-933-5238. Please review the guidelines below.
- Everyone must enter through the Narthex door; all other doors will be locked.
- Alternating pews are blocked off
- A mask must be worn while in the sanctuary, or you will be seated in the Narthex. An usher will direct you to a seat, you will probably not be sitting where you normally would. Be thankful that you can be in the sanctuary, Amen!
- As you sit in your pew please maintain 6-foot spacing from others. The exception is for families who live together.
- If you have a prayer request, please write it down before you come to church. There will be a basket where you can place your prayer request.
- We will have music, but there will NOT be singing at this time.
- The nursery will NOT be available.
- There will be NO Sunday School during church.
- The offering plate will NOT be passed. The offering plate will be located in the back of the sanctuary, so that you may place your offering in it as you enter or leave.
- At the end of the service, please do not leave your pew until an usher dismisses you, so you maintain social distancing.
- As you leave, please do not stop to talk with others in the building. You may talk outside the building, maintaining social distancing, or call others when you get home.
- The service will last 30 – 45 minutes, the restrooms will be for emergency use only. The water fountain is NOT to be used.
For more information on Covid-19 from the district you can click here.